The Perfect Gift For Any Angler

Custom Pieces

The politics editors at Kipp Harbor Times were covering the memorial development of former president Dwight D. Eisenhower. They needed a visual that conveyed the differing opinions surrounding the story.

The Perfect Gift For Any Angler

The Perfect Gift For Any Angler

Nothing will tell that angler you love them more than getting their boat painted along with their favorite fish on a canvas. We added an old school map of Florida to this piece to really tie it all together.

Iconic LandMarks That Mean the World to You

Iconic LandMarks That Mean the World to You

In my hometown the pier is one of many landmarks that is Iconic and shouts “Home.” What reminds you of home or exactly where you want to be?

'Who Doesn't Love Their Pup?'

'Who Doesn't Love Their Pup?'

It’s a known fact that people love their Dogs more than they love their children. So why not get your pup painted? 9 out of 7 Dogs responded to my survey and they all said (and I quote) “arf aarrf aar arfff.’ Which of course means “You need a pup portrait!”

tropical foliage.jpg
custom pelican.jpg
904 home guide.jpg